Why ‘New Age’ Car Salesmen Will Surprise You

Understand that well-informed, confident, and cordial customers get the best deals.

It used to be that the only way to get a good deal on a car was to do battle with an adversarial, cigar-smoking, greasy-haired car salesman wearing plaid pants and a white belt. At least that’s what the old stereotype portrayed.

True or not, the reality these days is altogether different.

Perhaps Darwin prevailed …or maybe it was simple market movement …we may never know. But in any event, today it’s not unusual to find MBAs wandering the showroom floors, smartly dressed and toting hand-held Palm Pilots with wireless Internet access.

Confrontation is out. Conversation is in.

Our BuyingAdvice Team mystery shopped for hundreds of autos, and we discovered that, consistently, you get the best price when you:

1. Arrive at a dealership well-informed. (Start by getting a BuyingAdvice Price Quote.)

2. Assert confidence in your negotiation. Avoid being emotionally attached to the purchase and be ready to walk away if you’re not satisfied with the car salesman’s offer.

3. Approach the purchase as a cordial exchange instead of an adversarial battle (…we can’t make you smile, we can only advise it.) Generally, we whole heartily believe that most car salesmen are good people who deserve the benefit of the doubt. And as a customer of BuyingAdvice.com you’ll get the red carpet treatment because they know that people who use our price quote service are no fools.

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