Terms of Use

Described below are the terms of use for BuyingAdvice.com. By using this website, you are agreeing to all of the terms stated.

Online Quotes and Other Data:

The information on BuyingAdvice.com is provided for educational purposes. This website is designed to enable users to obtain online vehicle price quotes from participating dealers. All quotes provided are estimates only and may not include state and local taxes or governmental charges. Occasionally, unintentional errors may occur in the warranty, pricing or payment data that forms the basis of the quotes. The dealership providing the quote is not prohibited from negotiating the terms of the final sale. Your acceptance of a contract for the lease or purchase of a vehicle with any terms differing from those quoted to you on this site supersede any prices or data displayed on our site.

Prices and Availability:

We cannot guarantee the availability or prices of any vehicle. Transactions are conducted through the vehicle dealers. The vehicle prices and data provided to you on our website or following your submission of a quote request are made by the dealership and not by us.

The information used in our research tools for vehicles, options, pricing or incentives on this site are supplied by third parties for educational purposes only and are not binding to BuyingAdvice.com. The tools on this site that allow for selecting vehicles with various options do so with items that are usually available at local dealerships and may not indicate all of the options and equipment available on that vehicle or the exact price of that vehicle. We will do our best to fulfill your quote request through participating dealerships, subject to the availability and pricing from that dealership. Any discrepancies made in regards to vehicle pricing, availability or condition are not the responsibility of BuyingAdvice.com and should be communicated to the dealer or third party that provided the information.

We don’t guarantee that we will be able to locate a vehicle that meets all of your specifications. Exact matches are not always easy to find due to vehicle popularity, geographic location and limited production.

We are not responsible for statements made by others on web pages or websites not controlled by BuyingAdvice.com. We’re not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness for a specific purpose or completeness of information provided by third parties that are available on or through our website.

We reserve the right to not forward your quote request to a dealership, manufacturer or other entity. We will seek to forward your request to one or more dealers within our network although we can not assure you that we will be able to match your request with a dealership in our network.

When you are contacted by anyone that we have sent your purchase request to, remember that we are not responsible for anything they say to you or any agreement you enter into with them. We are not an automobile broker. The statements made by any such person to you or any agreement you reach with them are strictly between you and them and we disclaim all responsibility.


You are in no way required to apply for a loan as a condition of using this website or in requesting a vehicle price quote. Independent lenders provide the vehicle financing. If you apply for financing via one of our lending partners, you do so with this understanding. You may be asked to submit a credit application and other documentation as the lender determines necessary to provide the loan. Payment information given on this site is for educational purposes only. Your payment will be based on the results of a credit evaluation, current interest rates and the amount and length of the loan that you requested.

Deposits and Fees:

We do not charge a fee to consumers for our services.

You are responsible to know the price of any deposit or fees that you have been asked to pay for your vehicle lease or purchase. Any deposit requirement is between you and the dealership.

Whether or not your deposit is refundable depends on your agreement with the dealership. You should never assume that a deposit is fully refundable.

Use Limitations:

Our site is for personal use only. You cannot publish, copy, modify, distribute, display, transmit, reproduce, license, transfer, or sell information or services you have obtained from this site. The content on this website is the property of BuyingAdvice.com or its licensors and is protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other laws. Unless otherwise permitted in writing, content received through this website may be displayed, downloaded and printed for your personal use only. You agree not to distribute, reproduce, disseminate, publish or sell the content received through this site without our written consent.


The content on this site is for educational purposes only. It does not create a legal contract between BuyingAdvice.com and you. The software, information, services and products on this site may have inaccuracies or errors. Changes are occasionally made to the content herein. We may make changes or improvements to this site whenever we see fit. We disclaim all conditions and warranties with regard to the information, products and services including any implied conditions and warranties. In no event will BuyingAdvice.com be liable for any indirect, direct, incidental, punitive, or other damages arising out of or connected to the use of this site.


This site might provide links to sites operated by other parties. These links are provided for your reference only. We do not control these sites and are not responsible for the contents. Our inclusion of links to these sites does not imply our endorsement of them.

Modification of Terms and Disclaimers:

We reserve the right to modify the conditions and terms in which this site is offered at any time and without providing notice.


Use of this site is not authorized in a jurisdiction that doesn’t follow all of the provisions of the conditions and terms. You hereby agree that no partnership, joint venture, agency or employment deal exists between BuyingAdvice.com and you because of your use of this site. Our administration of this agreement is subject to any existing legal processes and laws. Nothing in this agreement detracts from our right to cooperate with law enforcement requirements or requests regarding your use of this website or information gathered or provided by us with regard to your use. If any aspect of this agreement is ever found to be unenforceable or invalid according to law including the liability limitations and disclaimers above, then the unenforceable provision can be replaced by an enforceable provision that best suits the intention of the original provision and the rest of this agreement will continue to be in effect. This agreement represents the complete agreement between this site and the user in regards to this website and it supersedes all previous communications. A printed copy of this agreement will be admissible in any administrative or judicial proceedings regarding this agreement.

Questions regarding these terms can be sent by email. For our Privacy Policy, click here.


* Offers on this site are available only to residents of the United States. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of BuyingAdvice.com, INC., is prohibited. BuyingAdvice.com, INC., uses reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information posted on this site, but does not provide any guaranty of accuracy. There may be errors, inaccuracies or omissions in information on this site. Accordingly, BuyingAdvice.com, INC., disclaims any responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Your privacy is our policy.