Is The Volvo Safety Record Living Up To The Hype?

Volvo has had a longstanding reputation as a leader in automotive safety. But some say that Volvo is being overshadowed by the competition. Does the Volvo safety record still live up to its reputation?

Have no doubt that Volvo’s reputation is well deserved. Volvo has long been a driving force behind new automotive safety technologies, developing and refining many of the features we take for granted today. Three-point seat belts, crumple zones, laminated windshields, and safety cages were created by Volvo and can now be found in every car on the market.

Volvo’s innovations come from its advanced testing labs and, in some cases, as a result of personal experiences. After a close friend of then-president Gunnar Engellau died in an auto accident, he ordered his engineers to create a device that could have saved his life. The result was the three-point seat belt. Beyond that, Volvo’s $81 million testing center in Gothenburg, Sweden is arguably the most advanced crash test center in the world, and has over the years compiled detailed information on over 40,000 accidents.

Volvo has made impressive advances over the past several years in the area of safety and had 5 of its models appear on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s 2012 Top Safety Picks: The Volvo C30 in the midsize moderately priced category, the Volvo S60 in the midsized luxury, Volvo S80 large luxury car category, with the Volvo C60 and C90 hitting the mark in the midsized luxury SUV segment.

Volvo is still leading the pack when it comes to safety innovations. Over the years they introduced a whiplash protection system and sensors that warn the driver of other cars in their blind spot. Volvo was the first auto manufacturer to launch an innovative feature aimed at helping to reduce the number of car accidents that are caused by drink and driving. Alcoguard is a fully integrated in-car alcolock that utilizes advanced fuel-cell technology, a solution that is both user-friendly and reliable.

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