What Is ‘Taking Mental Ownership’ Of The Car

The Test Drive. Salespeople are taught that if they’re to make a sale, they’ve got to get you to really take mental ownership of the car. And the best way to do that is to have you drive it. They’re instructed to sit quietly and let you bond with the car.

It’s a well-documented phenomenon in the car business: the longer a person sits in the driver’s seat, the surer he is, subconsciously, that the car is already his. It’s called "taking mental ownership." And if you’re not careful, you’ll start to do it.

It wouldn’t be such a bad thing, except that the more emotionally attached to a car you are, the more likely you are to buy that car and the less likely you are to insist on a certain price.

But you’ve done your homework. You’ve got your benchmark prices from the Free, No-Obligation, BuyingAdvice Discounted Price Quote Service, so you’ll remove any doubt about what makes a fair deal.

Our Buying Advice: You should, by all means, test drive the car. See how it feels. Make some mental notes about what you like best. But don’t let your longing for the vehicle get in the way of smart negotiations. Avoid becoming attached to the vehicle. Remind yourself that this is a monetary transaction, not an emotional one.

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