Dealing With a Car Dealer: 4 Tips

Car dealers are experts of persuasion, pocketing good money for the car dealership and making a nice commission for themselves. It’s not mean-spirited, it’s simply their job. However, you can haggle and get the best possible price if you know how to deal with them.

Put Yourself in the Manager’s Shoes

Car dealers are people readers. As soon as you walk in, they start thinking about what kind of car you’re looking for, how much you’re willing to pay and how much research you’ve done. They are primarily concerned with qualifying you and determining how interested you are. In turn, you can show them you’re prepared, informed and, most importantly, not manipulable.


Before you even set foot in the dealership, do your research online and over the phone. Start with the type of car you want and look at all the different options with similar characteristics and price range. Use a car price finder to get the sticker and invoice prices.


When you finally come face-to-face with the car dealer, no matter if he/she is a new or used car dealer, act confident and know what you want. Tell him what it is you’re looking for and don’t let him talk you into buying something else if it doesn’t meet your needs. With that said, remember that it’s also helpful to have an equally appealing second choice. If the dealer offers you a better price and it works, go for it!

Dealerships usually make between 10% and 20% profit on the cars they sell. If you know the numbers, you can overstep the boundaries a little. This is where the invoice price comes into play. Tell the salesperson how much you’re willing to pay (which, of course, has to be a reasonable amount) and let him or her talk to the manager.

Look Out

Car dealers might also try to lure you into buying a car by offering low monthly payments but it’s better to focus on the sale price of the vehicle, since monthly payments are derived from it. Politely tell your rep you’d like to negotiate the price first. Ask about discounts and incentives for cash purchases. Don’t be afraid to walk away! Salespeople sometimes have a way of making you feel obligated to buy from them. It’s your decision and only you can decide if it’s the right deal.

When you’re ready to obtain quotes and invoice pricing for the models you like, you may order them from for free. Just request a quote from any dealer in your area. With your quote, you’ll receive invoice price information and a wealth of additional information you can use. Click here and fill out our secure form to get started.

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