Which Models Offer Low Car Insurance For A Teenage Driver?

Your teenagers might be looking forward to their own cars, but you probably aren’t looking forward to the insurance bill. There are plenty of lists of cars with the cheapest auto insurance rates, but every list has different models, and your own results can vary depending on a number of factors. Instead, the BuyingAdvice team has compiled the main attributes to look at in a car, in order to get lower car insurance for a teenage driver.

Simply put, the more horsepower a car has, the higher your premiums are going to be. Statistically, teenagers driving high horsepower rides are more likely to drive faster and thus more likely to be involved in accidents.

There is a common myth that a smaller car can more easily dodge hazards. This is incorrect. Just like horsepower, teenagers driving smaller cars are more likely to get into a collision. Statistically, full-sized family sedans are the safest.

But don’t automatically think bigger is better. It also matters how much you damage the car you crash into — so large SUVs will tend to drive up your liability premiums.

Cost Of The Vehicle
The vehicle’s initial cost is also a factor. Since a more expensive vehicle will cost more to repair, you’re going to pay higher collision premiums.

Attraction To Thieves
If your vehicle is a hot target for thieves, it could potentially drive up your rates.

With all these factors in mind, here’s a list of cars that might be your teen’s best bet for lower insurance rates:

Chevrolet Malibu (HP: 169 – MSRP: $22,110)
Ford Fusion (HP: 175 – MSRP: $20,075)
Ford Focus (HP: 160HP – MSRP: $18,300)
Hyundai Elantra (HP: 148 – MSRP: $15,345)
Kia Forte (HP: 156 – MSRP: $14,600)

Of course, when it comes to car insurance, there are no hard and fast rules. Besides these guidelines, a number of factors can affect your teen’s rates, including what area you live in and their personal driving history. The only sure bet is to get a free insurance quote.

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