What Do Action Heroes Drive?

What are the top picks of Hollywood’s action heroes? Here’s a sampling of what the action stars drive.

Toyota PriusToyota Prius

Action Hero: Brad Pitt

The Toyota Prius has become a fashion statement among environmentally conscious celebrities, including “Fight Club” star Brad Pitt. Pitt has been reported to drive a blue Prius to Hollywood gatherings.

Starting at $24,000, the Toyota Prius is easily the most humble vehicle on this list. At 98 horsepower it won’t win many races, but with its ability to get 51/48 miles to the gallon, it’s a stylish way to save money on gas.

RAM 1500Ram 1500

Action Hero: Ben Affleck

The star of such films as The Sum of all Fears and Pearl Harbor is said to drive around in a Dodge Ram 1500 and it’s easy to see why. The Ram 1500 has a very reasonable starting price of $21, 820 and offers a 5.7-Liter V8 HEMI® VVT engine producing 383 horsepower for plenty of get up and go. The Dodge Ram 1500 is what every active action hero needs.


Action Hero: Al Pacino

Actor Al Pacino of Serpico and The Godfather fame is professed to drive the Lexus LX. This beauty has a powerful 5.7 liter V8 engine producing 388 horsepower. The LX is capable of traveling wherever an action hero needs to go, with a price tag starting at a little under $81,000.

Porsche 911Porsche 911

Action Hero: Tom Cruise

When he’s not busy playing a secret agent or jumping on couches, “Mission: Impossible” star Tom Cruise jets around in a Porsche 911. The quintessential sports car, the 911 starts at around $111,000 and comes with a 3.8L H-6, 400 horsepower engine. This two-door coupe features a seven-speed manual transmission.

Land Rover Range RoverLand Rover Range Rover

Action Hero: Sean Connery,
Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson

For some of Hollywood’s best known action heroes, the Range Rover is king. The Range Rover has seen its fair share of real life action itself, as evidenced by Fidel Castro’s bullet-riddled model. The Range Rover merges luxury with utility with its adjustable height and a 5.0-liter, V8, 375 horsepower engine. This SUV is arguably the world’s premier off-road vehicle and starts at $80,000.

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